Monday, February 27, 2017

Waterberg Plateau

white rhinoceros
cliffs of the Waterburg plateau
A confused giraffe, they are both male, our guide was quite distressed by this behaviour, he kept saying "they are both males!"

The Waterburg plateau dominates the mid eastern area of Namibia.  You are only allowed on top of the plateau with a guide as there are black rhinos which are rare and dangerous.  Rhino poaching is a big problem in Africa.  Asian cultures put a very high value on the horn as it supposedly will cure anything from impotence to cancer.  We were very fortunate, as we got to see these rhinos up close, 10 m away.  We were with JJ who is the rhino tracker for the camp.  The rhinos have grown up with him and they allow him to come close.  These are huge animals, 1-2.5 tonnes.  They eat grass, the black rhino eats leaves and bushes (which stain its lips black hence the name).  Sometimes, the horns are cut off to protect the rhinos, but poachers will kill it, so they don't waste time tracking it again.  The 3 rhinos in this park are guarded at night.  They have 5 security guards watching them and watching for poachers, that's how serious it is here.
 We are off to track cheetah and leopard this afternoon, will write about it if we don't get eaten!
Cheers Kim and Dan

1 comment:

  1. Your pic's are so amazing! What an adventure. I have to ask, the pic of the cliffs of the Waterburg plateau. It looks like a painting. Can I please have a copy of it? Sheryl
    p.s. Dawn would like to see all your pictures and hear the stories (me too).
