Monday, February 13, 2017

Fish River Canyon

Sorry its taken so long for my next post, but a combination of dependable WiFi and my woefully inadequate tech skills have made it difficult.
Right now I am sitting by the pool in the Namib desert, where it is raining all around us but not here, guess that's why its the desert!
We headed from the Kalahari to an overnight stop at the Quiver tree forest and cheetah sanctuary.  It's a really cool spot with a menagerie of orphaned animals that have been given to the owners as they are real animal lovers.  3 cheetahs, which we got to watch being fed and pet, yes, I still have both my hands and all my fingers, 1 adult warthog and 3 babies, 10 dogs, a large lizard, meerkats and lot of birds.  It's run by an Namibian couple who are very helpful and friendly.
Just up the hill from the campsite is the quiver tree forest, it is unusual to have this many trees all in one place.  They are a desert tree, actually a member of the aloe family, and usually grow alone on the side of rocky slopes.  They can survive in very dry climates and drop their "leaves" to preserve water.   They got their name as the San made the quivers for their arrows from the tree.
We then headed to Fish River Canyon which is the second largest canyon in Africa, 1000m deep and up to 20km at its widest.  It is a canyon within in a canyon.  It was formed when with a fracture in the earth's crust, which was deepened by glaciers.  Later more faults and erosion formed the canyon within the canyon.  It is really deep and hot, it can reach 50 deg C in the base.  The Fish River runs through it, it is amazing there is any water as its so dry and hot.  The rocks are made of layers with many colours.
There is a lovely campsite there but you have to watch out for the baboons, they will steal your food if you are not nearby.  One lady had to chase it out of her car with a chair!  We brought a squirt gun but so far, have not had to use it.
We then headed to Ai-Ais hot springs, meaning hot water which is in the southern tip of Namibia, close to the South African border.  The hot springs are 65degC which is not very appealing when it 38deg.  They mix the water with cool water to fill the huge pool, so its about 28deg, which is Dan temperature.  This is where the Fish River Canyon ends.
cheers Kim and Dan
Cheetah having her dinner

 Ground squirrel checking out the scenery
 Quiver tree forest at sunset, stunning

Fish River Canyon

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