Sunday, February 19, 2017

Images of Namibia

 Kalahari desert
 birds nests, hundreds of birds live in this "condo"  They can only use certain trees which are strong enough to hold the weight the nest, a big one can weigh up to a tonne when soaking wet.  We saw several on the ground as the branch had broken.
 female cheetah
 rock hyrax posing
lizard sunning himself on the balancing rocks
 thunderstorm moving in, it looked like a nuclear explosion.  We got caught in the rain, it was so heavy that we could not see 1 metre in front of us, the road became a river, it was pretty scary, but thanks to Dan's great driving, we made it.
 the landscape goes on forever, this is southern Namibia
African thunderstorm and rainbow.  Fortunately we were parked when this one it, it was a flash flood in the desert, they only had 9mm of rain this year until this storm hit,  15mm fell.  There were rivers everywhere, a car got stuck in the laneway and had to be towed out.  Most of the water had soaked in within 1 hour.  I have never seen rain come down that hard.

Namibia is a country of changing landscapes, drive for a 15 minutes and it changes, turn a corner and it changes.  It is a beautiful and rugged country.  Many times, we are the only people on the road.  You can see clouds of dust in the distance before you can see the vehicle that is making it.  Often there are oryx, the national animal of Namibia, on the side of the road.
The people are so friendly, they wave from the side of road, adults and kids.
They have young men who guard your car for you when you park it.  They wave you into a spot and watch your vehicle so no one can break into it.  They carry your groceries and will stop traffic so you can back out.  They are not employed by anyone but are official.  It helps stop theft and employs people.  You pay they whatever you think, 50 cents.  We give them $10 Namibian dollars (1 Cdn) and they are over the moon.  Its the same in the gas stations, they pump your gas, clean your windows and check your tire pressure, all for whatever you give them.  They are not employed by the service station, but are sanctioned by them.  The security guard in one of the liquor stores, got cold ciders for me, carried them to the cash and out to the car.

Kim and Dan

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